A Confession of Faith and Failure: 175 Years After 1844

A Confession of Faith and Failure: 175 Years After 1844
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175 years after Jesus' entry into the Holy of Holies. By Paul Blumenthal, Marius Fickenscher, Timo Hoffmann, Hermann Kesten, Johannes Kolletzki, Alberto Rosenthal

As of October 22, 2019
175 years after Jesus' entry into the Holy of Holies


we confess that the worldwide missionary commission would have been fulfilled just a few years after 1844 and that Christ would have returned if the Adventists had stuck to their faith after their great disappointment and if they had followed God's providence together.1

we confess that the same sins that excluded the people of Israel from the land of Canaan for 40 years have delayed our entry into heavenly Canaan. The problem is not with God. Unbelief, rebellion, worldliness and strife are the reasons that the Adventist Church still wanders in the wilderness of this sinful world.2

We confess with our forefathers that the primary cause of this is that we are not in filial faith hearing Jesus' testimonies through His end-time messenger, Ellen G. White, who spoke in the name of God to our General Conference Presidents, our ministers, our ministers, and to all churches worldwide have received. We join the confession of our forefathers of November 16, 18553 fully acknowledging with deep remorse, and realizing with great sadness that it is far more relevant today than it was then.

we confess that we as a people have lost sight of Jesus, the only one who can show us the way into the holy of holies of the heavenly sanctuary. We have forgotten how to sing the most beautiful song human lips can sing: "Justification by faith", "Christ our righteousness".

we confess that we have exchanged Jesus' dearly bought life gold of genuine faith and true love for fool's gold, His righteousness by faith for the cloak of shame and disgrace and the gift of His Word and His Spirit for the guidance of other spirits and lights. The result is the proclamation and experience of a false gospel. Own "gold", own "garments" and own "ointment for the eyes" have replaced the divine offer (Revelation 3,17:XNUMXf).

we confess that Satan has largely succeeded in convincing us that obedience is not a condition of salvation and that we as a church have become dry bones of the dead.4

we confess that we, like foolish virgins, do not know "the time and judgment" (Ecclesiastes 8,5:XNUMX). We live on the Great Day of Atonement without really understanding its meaning. Jesus' ministry in the Holy of Holies has no practical relevance to our everyday life. The very feast in the divine calendar of salvation, without which there is no final atonement, has no real connection to our Christian experience.

we confess that we no longer properly understand and experience the work of the Holy Spirit in convicting of sin, righteousness and judgment. Popular definitions of sin, righteousness, and judgment have superseded biblical understanding. Like a tsunami they have taken over our pulpits and churches.

we confess that we have lost the understanding of genuine, liberating repentance. It is the beginning of all sermons, a centerpiece of the Great Day of Atonement, and the springboard to a happy and victorious Christian life. Nevertheless, we fail to recognize their importance and healing power for our lives. We recognize the urgent need to understand in depth the meaning of Luther's first thesis: “Since our Lord and Master Jesus Christ saith 'Repent' etc. (Matthew 4,17:XNUMX), He willed that the whole life of believers Repentance is to be.” Nowhere do we see the nature of true repentance more clearly illuminated and the Reformation legacy more respected than in the expositions of the Spirit of Prophecy.5

we confess that we have been in great debt since the days of our fathers to this day and that our time, energy and talents are primarily devoted to the profit of worldly enterprises, although God long ago wanted to give this planet with all its fruits and goods as our eternal possession.

We confess blushing that we have caused the world to blaspheme God's holy and glorious name by preaching an imminent return for 175 years, while delaying it with our own sins.

we confess that in 1888 at Minneapolis we resisted God Himself and His purpose to finish the work of the gospel on this earth. His name has been badly dishonored. His message was rejected, his messengers reviled, his maid not heard.

We confess the rejection of the message of justice through faith in Minneapolis as the great "fall" of our history, that we have not recognized it as such to this day and that a main reason for the absence of Jesus' return can be found in it.

we confess that the everlasting gospel alone, as reflected in the Minneapolis messages of E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones, can open for us the doorway to the latter rain.

we confess that God's people are unprepared for the latter rain, not knowing it, neither the conditions nor the way to receive it.6

We confess conscious of our own sins and weaknesses, that we have nothing to boast about and need God's forgiveness and pardon no less than ancient Israel and those of our forefathers who fell into a state of spiritual lukewarmness soon after 1844 and the message of Christ's righteousness in 1888 refused, with which God wanted to heal this condition.

we confess that we can be thankful that Master has delayed His coming until now when many of us would not have been ready. The reason for the long delay is that God is not willing to let His end-time people perish (2 Peter 3,9:XNUMX).

we confess how little we bother to understand what any delay in the Second Coming means for Heaven. If we could perceive the unimaginable misery in our world, we would collapse under the weight. Yet God sees and feels it in every detail. To blot out sin and its consequences, He gave His dearest. He is waiting for us because He has placed it in our power to work with Him to end misery.7

we confess that Daniel and Revelation made us a people of the Word and of prophecy, and only through the right understanding of Daniel and Revelation, which we have greatly lost, can we regain the spirit of a prophetic movement.8

we confess that there is no higher honor than that of a faithful keeper, that God's messengers can only stand by fulfilling their duty of keeper, and that in the past of our history, whether as ministers or as a people, we have seldom exercised it.9

We confess our inability to see our real condition before God Himself. In "naked" faith in Jesus' analysis in his words to Laodicea, we must accept the diagnosis of the great Physician of our souls as accurate and true.

we confess that we "have nothing to fear for the future, unless we forget the way the Lord has led us and his teachings in our past history" (Life Sketches, page 196).


We believe, that it is solely by the goodness of God, His mercies and His great faithfulness that the Adventist Church exists to this day and is even growing in number.

We believe, that despite everything, the history of the Adventist Church has been marked by success, and this is due to the self-sacrifice and dedication of all those who have been faithful to God and His message, trusting in His goodness, His mercies and His great faithfulness.10

We believe, that the Lord will not spit us out, but strive for His country and have compassion on His people, if we resolutely return to Him with fasting, weeping and lamentation, tearing not our clothes but our hearts.11

We believe, that the signs of the times are stormy, that the day of the LORD is at hand, and would take many unprepared like desolation from the Almighty, but that the saving hand of our Savior is still stretched out, because He is gracious, merciful, and slow to anger, and delaying the final judgment further than we ever dared hope.

We believe, that Jesus' letter to Laodicea has not been taken seriously and implemented by us as a congregation to this day, but that this letter in particular represents our only hope for the urgently needed last revival and the outpouring of the latter rain.12

We believe, that our many years of spiritual lukewarmness have maneuvered the Adventist Church into a situation of great theological confusion from which it is only possible for individuals to escape with the utmost effort and firm trust in the grace of Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We believe, that the final sifting is near and now is the time to wake up, resolutely turning from all sins and clinging fully in faith to the love and saving power of a merciful Redeemer.

We believe, that God's gospel is a message of victory over Satan's dominion in our lives, and that God has both the will and the power to completely set us free from sin and give us the joy of a life of conqueror unto full maturity, "to the full measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4,13:XNUMX).13

We believe, that in all his efforts Satan will not overpower the church (Matthew 16,18:2,13); and that the remnant of the Adventist Church who remain faithful in the coming crisis will carry the banner of victory to the end, until the “glory appearing of the great God and ours Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus XNUMX:XNUMX).14

We believe, that the work of unity in God's church will be accomplished "not by army or power," but by God's Spirit himself; and that his church, sifted and refined through trials, will eventually be "beautiful as the moon, clear as the sun, mighty as an army." will erupt.

We believe, that our Lord and Savior, the author and finisher, will soon complete His great work of redemption and re-creation, and by His grace we may be witnesses of the glory that will illuminate the whole earth with the incomparable knowledge of what God really is .


We pray, that Almighty God will cut short His work in righteousness.

We pray, that the divine Spirit transforms the withered bones of His people into a mighty army of light and leads them in the last great triumphal procession around the earth.

We pray, that by His grace we shall soon be gathered at the sea of ​​glass, praising Him with immortal lips forever.

He who testifies to these things says:
"Yes, I'll be there soon!"
Amen; yes come, Lord Jesus!


1 Had the Adventists, after the great disappointment of 1844, remained true to their faith and united in following the providence of God step by step, receiving the message of the third angel and proclaiming it to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit, they would have the salvation of God seen. He would have accompanied their efforts with great power, the work would have been completed, and Christ would have already returned to distribute the reward to His people...Evangelism, page 695

2 For 40 years, unbelief, murmuring, and rebellion shut ancient Israel out of the land of Canaan. The same sins delayed modern-day Israel's entry into heavenly Canaan. In either case, the problem was not with God's promises. It is unbelief, worldliness, lack of devotion and contention among God's professed people that has kept us from sin and suffering in this world for so many years.
Evangelism, page 696

3 Dear brethren, while believing these revelations to spring from the divine spirit, we wish to confess the inconsistency (which we believe has displeased God) of supposing them to be messages from God, but in fact correlating them with human inventions to have made a step. We fear that this has resulted from an unwillingness to bear the reproach of Christ (which is indeed greater riches than the treasures of the earth) and a desire to appease the feelings of our opponents. But the Word and our own experience have taught us that such a course does not honor God or advance His cause. Since we believe that they are of God and that they agree entirely with His written Word, we must acknowledge that we have an obligation to follow their teachings and be corrected by their admonitions. To say that they are of God and yet we are not tested by them is to say that God's will is not a test or rule for Christians, which is contradictory and absurd.
Review and Herald, 4.12.1855/XNUMX/XNUMX

4 Obedience is no longer considered absolutely necessary.
Bible Commentary, Volume 1, pp. 1083f

These bonesthe dead bones of Ezekiel 37] represent the house of Israel, the church of God. The hope of the church is the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. The LORD must breathe life into the dry bones so that they may come to life.
Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1165

5 True repentance before God doesn't keep us captive, like we're constantly feeling like we're at a funeral. We are to be joyful, not sad. Yet we will always regret that we have devoted so many years of our lives to the powers of darkness, even though Christ gave his precious life for us. Let our hearts be sorry to think that part of the time and ability entrusted to us by the Lord has been spent in the service of the enemy, rather than for His name's glory, even though Christ gave all He had for our salvation. We are to repent for not having done all we can to become acquainted with the precious truth which enables us to have faith, which works through love and purifies the soul.

When we see people without Christ, we are to take their place mentally, repent before God for them, and not rest until we bring them to repentance. If we do everything we can for them and still don't repent, they are responsible for their own sin. Nevertheless, we should continue to have compassion on them and show them how to repent and try to lead them step by step to Jesus Christ.
Manuscript 92, page 1901

6 I have been shown that an extremely serious work lies ahead. You don't realize how important and big it is. When I saw the indifference everywhere, I was shocked for the sake of the ministers and the people. The work of present truth seemed paralyzed. The work of God seemed to stand still. Ministers and people are unprepared for the times in which they live, indeed almost all who profess to believe present truth are unprepared to understand the work of preparation for this time. With their worldly ambitions, their lack of devotion to God, and their devotion to self, they are completely incapable of receiving the latter rain and, having done everything, to withstand the wrath of Satan. Her faith would be shipwrecked by his tricks, having ensnared her in a pleasant delusion. They think they are all right when nothing is right with them.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 466

Whoever stands firm at every point and passes every test, whoever overcomes no matter what the cost, has heeded the advice of the Faithful Witness and is receiving the latter rain, which prepares him for the rapture.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, pp. 186f

We need not worry about the latter rain. We need only keep our vessel clean and open at the top to receive the heavenly rain... The time to be crucified is now! Every day, every hour, the ego must die. The I must be crucified! Then when the time comes and the test of God's people finally comes, you will be embraced in everlasting arms. The angels of God surround you with a wall of fire and set you free.
The Upward Look, page 283

7 Most people who ponder the possible consequences of hastening or hindering the preaching of the gospel do so with regard to the world and to themselves. Few think of God...

As “all creation still groans everywhere, waiting in sorrows for a new birth” (Romans 8,26.22:XNUMX, multitude), so also is the heart of the Eternal Father tormented with compassionate pain. Our world is one big sick bed, it offers a picture of misery that we dare not take into our minds. If we saw her as she really is, the burden would be too terrible. But God sympathizes with everything. To destroy sin and its effects, he gave away his dearest. He gave us the power to work with him to bring this tragedy to a close.
Education, page 241f

“But if the fruit permits, he immediately sends the sickle; for the harvest is near.” (Mark 4,29:2) Christ eagerly awaits His own revelation in His church. When Christ's character is fully reflected in His people, He will come to claim them as His own. Every Christian has the privilege not only to await but to hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (3,12 Peter XNUMX:XNUMX). If all who confessed His name also brought forth fruit unto His glory, how swiftly would the seed of the gospel be sown throughout the world! The great harvest would soon be ripe, and Christ would come to gather the precious grain.
Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 68f

8 When the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood, believers will have a very different life of faith. They would have such glimpses through the open gates of heaven that hearts and minds would be struck with the character of all that must develop who would attain the bliss with which the pure in heart will one day be rewarded.
Testimonies to Ministers, page 114

9 Guardians: Raise your voices! Deliver the message - the current truth for this time! Show the people where we are in prophetic history! Work to awaken the spirit of true Protestantism!
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 716

In this solemn time just before Christ's return, God's faithful ministers must preach even more clearly than John the Baptist. You have a responsible, important job, and God will not accept as His shepherds those who speak softly. A terrible woe lies upon them.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 321

The watchmen on Zion's walls have the privilege of living so closely with God and being so responsive to the impressions of His Spirit that through them He can make men and women aware of their danger and point them to the place of refuge. They must faithfully warn people of the sure consequences of transgression and protect the interests of the community. Your vigilance must never let up. Her task demands all her abilities. They should raise their voice like a trumpet, and not a single note should sound wavering or uncertain. They should not labor for reward, but because they cannot help it, knowing that a woe is upon them, they should not preach the gospel. As God's chosen ones, sealed with the blood of consecration, they are to save men and women from imminent destruction.
Acts of the Apostles, page 361

Warden, is the night over soon? This is the question that has been asked and will continue to be asked and answered. What will you answer, my brother? The Laodicean message has been ringing for some time now. Let this message, in all its facets, ring out to the people wherever providence paves the way. Justification by faith and the righteousness of Christ are the issues that must be presented to a dying world. Oh that you may open the door of your heart to Jesus! The voice of Jesus, the great seller of heavenly riches, calls out to you: 'I advise you to buy from me gold that you may be rich and white clothes to clothe yourself.' I'll leave it at these words. My heart goes out to you in love and it is my wish that you may triumph with the third angel's message.
Letter 24, 1892; Manuscript Releases, Volume 15, Page 94

To the extent of his ability, everyone who has received the light of truth has the same responsibility as Israel's prophet, who was told: “Therefore, son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel. You shall hear the word out of my mouth and warn them against me. If I say to the wicked, 'You wicked, you must die!', but you do not speak to warn the wicked of his way; so shall he, the wicked, die in his iniquity; but I will require his blood at your hand. But if you warn the wicked from his way to turn from it, but he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity; but you saved your soul.” (Ezekiel 33,7:9-XNUMX)

Should we wait for end-time prophecies to be fulfilled before discussing them? What value will our words have then? Shall we wait for God's judgments to strike the transgressor before telling him how to escape them? Where is our faith in God's word? Do we have to see with our own eyes what was predicted before we believe Him? The light has reached us in clear, distinct rays, showing that the great day of the Lord is near and "at the door." Let's read and understand before it's too late.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9, p. 19

10 As I look back on our history, witnessing every step of the progression to where we are today, I can say: praise be to God! When I see how God has worked, I can only marvel. I have complete faith in Christ as my guide.
Life Sketches, page 196

What is the secret of our success? We have followed the instructions of the Author of our salvation. God has blessed our combined efforts. The truth has spread and blossomed. Institutions have multiplied. The mustard seed has grown into a big tree.
Testimonies to Ministers, page 27

Our past missionary success is in direct proportion to our self-sacrificing, self-denying efforts.
Gospel Workers, page 385

"If the LORD of hosts had not left us a very small remnant, we would be like Sodom, we would be like Gomorrah." (Isaiah 1,9:28,10) For the sake of those who remained faithful and also because of His infinite love for the erring, God was long-suffering at all times against rebels and pleaded with them to forsake their wicked ways and return to Him. 'Rule upon rule, statute upon statute, here a little, there a little' (Isaiah XNUMX:XNUMX) He has shown the wrongdoers to the way of righteousness through men appointed by Him.
Prophets and Kings, page 324

11 By confessing and putting away sin, praying earnestly, and consecrating themselves to God, the early disciples prepared for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost [Acts 1,13:XNUMXf]. The same work, only on a greater scale, must be done now. Then man need only ask for the blessing and wait for the Lord to bring to completion the work that concerns him.
Testimonies to Ministers, page 507

12 I saw that the testimony of the faithful witness was not even half heeded. The solemn testimony on which the destiny of the church depends has been despised or even completely disregarded. This testimony must bring deep repentance. All who truly accept it will obey it and be purified.
Early Writings, page 270

The purpose of this message is to awaken the people of God, to show them their backsliding and to bring them to diligent repentance so that they may be given the gift of Jesus' presence and be prepared for the loud cry of the third angel.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1, p. 186

13 The faith of Jesus means more than forgiveness of sins; it means that sin is taken away and the virtues of the Holy Spirit fill the vacuum. It signifies divine enlightenment and joy in God. It means a heart freed from self, happiness through Jesus' abiding presence. When Jesus governs the soul, there is purity and freedom from sin. In life, the bright, fulfilling, and complete gospel comes into play. Accepting the Savior bestows an aura of complete peace, love, and assurance. The beauty and sweetness of Jesus' character are revealed in life, testifying that God really did send his Son into the world as Savior.
Christ's Object Lessons, p. 419; cf. Pictures of the Kingdom of God, 342

14 The members of the struggling church who have proved themselves faithful become the triumphant church.Evangelism, page 707

Satan will work miracles to deceive; he will present himself as the supreme power. It may seem like the church is about to fall, but it will not. She stays. On the other hand, the sinners in Zion will be sifted out and the chaff will be separated from the precious wheat. It is a terrible but necessary crucible. Only he who has overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony will be found among the faithful and true, without spot or stain of sin, without guile in his mouth.
Maranatha, page 32

When faith in Christ is most despised and His law most hated, it is then that our zeal should be the warmest, and our bravery and steadfastness the most unshakable. Defending truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, and fighting the battles of the Lord when the fighters are few left, that will be our test. During this time we must draw warmth from the cold of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their betrayals.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 136

Only those who would rather die than do something wrong will be among the faithful.
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, p. 53


Source: 175after1844.com

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