Ten positive developments - despite the pandemic: Corona blessing

Ten positive developments - despite the pandemic: Corona blessing
Adobe Stock - Yevhen

"Soon ... just the heart." (John 4,23:XNUMX) By Kai Mester

"Whoever loves God, everything works for the best."
"Always thank God for everything!"
"It's a blessing in disguise." (Blessing in Disguise)

Winged Christian courage words sound like this or something similar.

In practice, this is often a challenge. But let's see what blessings a curse like Corona has brought to godly people.

  1. Corona has triggered an exodus in hearts: the longing to live in the country, where a lockdown is not felt so strongly. Some have actually been able to take the step.
  2. The reduction in recreational and cultural opportunities has brought many into closer contact with nature, where God speaks to us more clearly through its beauties. This also made room for more quality time with the family.
  3. Restricting social contact has created new digital connections that have benefited many, whether through online participation in events that would otherwise have been inaccessible or through the formation of new friendships.
  4. Unimaginable global restrictions on freedom have drawn attention to biblical prophecy and have awakened many a person from their slumber. Priorities have been completely rearranged. God and serving Him has come first again.
  5. The attack on our immune systems has caused many to re-engage with and identify with the NEWSTART PLUS lifestyle and other immune-boosting remedies.
  6. The whole pandemic has raised questions in many people outside of the Adventist Church and sparked an interest in the Advent message like never before. The book From shadow to light sold like hot cakes, and Adventists offered unimagined opportunities to testify.
  7. The corona measures have economic and liberal effects that put many in the position of the Israelites on the Red Sea: the sea in front, the mountains to the right and left, the Egyptians behind us. Those who trust God may have experienced the parting of the sea several times by now. A wealth of experience that will still be of great value.
  8. Nothing has divided communities, groups of friends and families like the question of masks, curfews, testing and vaccinations. On either side of the spectrum, there are few devotees who are willing to fully respect the other's point of view and seek creative ways of working together in the service of God. These are the people I want to emulate.
  9. The distance rules have noticeably cooled the interpersonal temperature. Kindness has become all the more valuable for children of God and it is practiced all the more consciously. That too is a blessing!
  10. “If I send a plague on my people, and then my people, upon whom my name is called, humble themselves to pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and their sin forgive and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7,10:XNUMX) Apostasy is the greatest blessing this pandemic can bring.

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