Parable from nature: The bumblebee and the honey

Parable from nature: The bumblebee and the honey
Image by Claudia Wollesen from Pixabay

God knows what we really enjoy. By Kezia drawbar

I was sitting in a small park eating my lunch when I saw a bumble bee stumbling through the tall grass. I watched her for a while, she seemed too weak to fly. So I walked over to her and let her crawl onto my hand. She had stretched out her trunk and was looking for food. Was that why I had just thought about buying a jar of honey? Glad I followed him. Surely he had been from God! I put some honey on my hand.

The bumblebee was so hungry that it drank from my hand for a full twenty minutes. Then she cleaned her little legs, which had become all sticky from the honey, and sat comfortably on my hand to rest. If we learn from the bumblebee, then we can say with the psalmist: "How sweet is your word to my taste buds, more sweet to my mouth!" (Psalm 119,103:XNUMX)


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