The power of words: My boy!

The power of words: My boy!
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Atonement or Reconciliation? By Michael Carducci

I recently realized the power of words and the tone in which we use them. My father said "my boy" to demean and humiliate me. He said, "Listen, boy, you're neither smarter, wiser, nor stronger than I am!" Reminding me that I was inferior to him, could never reach his level, or even match him.

I recently heard another story about a father who also said "my boy" to his son. A friend of mine had recently lost his father to Covid-19. He told me how his father kissed his hand when he said goodbye. They didn't know at that moment that his father would infect him and he would have to stay in bed for two weeks. They also had no idea that their father would die of the disease at the age of 98. But every week, when the son visited his elderly father to do the house cleaning or to bring him something to eat, he would greet him with the words: "Well, my boy, how are you?" where his father no longer lives. Those words still had an effect. Because he was adopted when he was two years old. This greeting question gave him a regular affirmative expression of his affiliation. It meant a lot to him. The son will now honor this sentence until he sees his father again when Jesus returns.

There is another adoption that has made us not only sons and daughters, but heirs to incredible unearthly treasures! The adoption I speak of is the redemption accomplished on the cross when Jesus took the death we deserve and gave us the life He deserves. This sacrifice forever sealed the adoption/redemption that the Father bestows on each of His creatures, male and female! This adoption brings »reconciliation« to everyone who accepts the sacrifice of reconciliation, which connects, unites, satisfies longing, gives security, familiarity and purification. She is promised to all who recognize her condition as an orphan in a lost world. »

From the very beginning, He destined us to become His sons and daughters through Jesus Christ. That was his plan; so he had decreed" (Ephesians 1,5:XNUMX NIV)

Coming Out Ministries Newsletter – November 2021

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