Lord, because your strong hand holds me tight

Lord, because your strong hand holds me tight, I trust silently.
Because you, full of love, turned to me, I trust silently.
You make me strong, you give me joy,
I praise you, your will, Lord, is good.

Lord, because I know you are my savior, I silently trust.
Because you have become the lamb to me, I trust silently.
Because I was rescued from death by you
imprint deep within me, Lord, your kind of lamb.

Lord, because you plead with the Father for me now, I trust silently.
Because you stand helping at my right, I trust silently.
If the enemy threatens me, I look at you,
You are a place of refuge, O Lord, for me.


Vocals: Hans-Werner, Anja, Pia Konyen

Text: Helga Winkel (1957)
Melody: Henry Charles Purday (1860)

Footage: Pixabay | Pexels | story blocks

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