Ellen White and giving up milk and eggs: Plant-based nutrition with sense

Ellen White and giving up milk and eggs: Plant-based nutrition with sense
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At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century there were no alternatives to milk and eggs. What conclusions can we draw from the well-known health author's principles when dealing with a vegan diet? By Ellen White with additional reflections (italics) by Kai Mester

The following selection of statements by the author is arranged by year and shows her principles and common sense. Anyone who lives a vegan lifestyle must protect themselves from malnutrition. An ideological approach has caused many vegans a lot of suffering. This form of nutrition is intended to improve health and quality of life.


»Animals that produce milk are not always healthy. You may be sick. A cow can appear to be doing well in the morning and yet die before evening. In this case she was already sick in the morning, which, without anyone knowing, had an effect on the milk. Animal creation is sick."(Testimonials 2, 368; see. testimonials 2)

According to Ellen White, the number one reason for giving up milk is health. Plant-based diets can protect humans from increasing diseases in the animal world and reduce animal suffering. However, as soon as a vegan diet harms health and thereby increases suffering, it has missed its goal.


Excerpt from a letter to Dr. Kress: »Under no circumstances should you forego the food category that ensures good blood! … If you notice that you are becoming physically weak, it is vital that you take immediate action. Add foods you've cut out to your diet again. This is essential. Get eggs from healthy chickens; Consume these eggs cooked or raw; Mix them uncooked with the best unfermented wine you can find! This will provide your organism with what it is missing. Don't doubt for a moment that this is the right path [Dr. Kress followed this advice and took this prescription regularly until his death in 1956 at the age of 94.] ... We value your experience as a doctor. Nevertheless, I say that milk and eggs Should be part of your diet. At present [1901] one cannot do without them and the teaching that one must do without them should not be spread. You run the risk of taking a too radical view of health care reform and you a diet to prescribe, that doesn't keep you alive ...

Why couldn't people "yet" do without milk and eggs at the beginning of the 20th century? Apparently, milk and eggs contain essential nutrients that are missing from normally available plant-based diets. Fundamentally, nothing has changed to this day. Anyone who practices a vegan diet without this understanding runs the risk of damaging their health. Life-threatening damage cannot always be reversed once it has occurred. It has now been scientifically proven that vegans need to supplement vitamin B12 to stay healthy. Physical weakness is a warning sign for vegans that should not be taken lightly.

The time will come when milk can no longer be used as freely as it is currently. But the time for complete abandonment has not yet come. Detoxify eggs. It is true that families in which children were addicted to, or even imbued with, the habit of masturbation were warned against the use of these foods we need not regard it as a departure from principles to use eggs from hens that are well kept and properly fed ...

There can be different opinions about exactly when the time has come since when you should limit your milk consumption. Is the time for complete renunciation already here? Some say yes. Anyone who continues to consume milk and eggs would do well to pay attention to the care and nutrition of their cows and chickens. Because this is the biggest problem with a vegetarian but not vegan diet.

Some say that milk should also be given up. This topic must with caution be treated. There are poor families whose diet consists of bread and milk and if affordable also consists of some fruit. It is advisable to completely avoid meat products, but vegetables should be mixed with a little milk, cream or something equivalent tasty be made...The gospel must be preached to the poor, and the time for the strictest diet is not yet here.

Nutritional supplements are often quite expensive. An ideological veganism that categorically rejects milk and eggs does not do justice to less fortunate families. The taste also suffers when you have to save money. Here, milk and eggs from your own production may offer cheaper alternatives.

The time will come when we must give up some of the foods we now use, such as milk, cream, and eggs; But my message is that you shouldn't rush into a period of trouble early on and end up killing yourself. Wait until the LORD clears your way! … There are those who try to abstain from what is said to be harmful. They do not provide their organism with the appropriate nutrition and therefore become weak and unable to work. This is how health care reform falls into disrepute...

To do even more harm to yourself out of fear of harm is only possible through selfishness. “Whoever tries to save his life will lose it.” (Luke 17,33:XNUMX) Instead of panic, patience and understanding are required.

I desire to say that God will reveal to us when the time will come when it is no longer safe to use milk, cream, butter and eggs. Extremes are bad when it comes to health care reform. The milk-butter-eggs question will resolve itself …” (Letter 37, 1901; Manuscript release 12, 168-178)

The use of egg and dairy products is no longer safe. There is no doubt about that. But the question of what to do will be resolved without radical measures. We can deal with the issue in a relaxed and non-ideological way, encouraging each other to tolerate one another and make positive reforms in everyday life.

»We see that the cattle are getting sicker and sicker. The earth itself is corrupted and we know that the time will come when it is no longer best to use milk and eggs. But that time is not yet here [1901]. We know that the LORD will then take care of us. The question that is important to many is: Will God prepare a table in the desert? I think we can answer yes, God will provide food for His people.

Some say: The soils are exhausted. The plant-based diet no longer contains the abundance of nutrients it once did. Magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other minerals are no longer present in the food in the concentrations they used to be. But God will provide for his people.

In all parts of the world it will be ensured that milk and eggs can be replaced. The LORD will let us know when the time has come to give up these foods. He wants everyone to feel that they have a gracious Heavenly Father who wants to teach them everything. The LORD will give His people arts and skills in the area of ​​food in all parts of the world and teach them how to use the products of the land for food." (Letter 151, 1901; Counsels on Diet and Food, 359; Eat mindfully, 157)

What did and do these arts and skills consist of? In the development of soy, sesame and other high-quality natural food products? Im creating nutritional supplements in tablet and powder form? In conveying knowledge about the lactic acid fermentation of vegetables in order to positively influence the intestinal flora, which metabolizes many nutrients into vital substances? Or in other findings? There is no answer to that here. All that is called for is trust and vigilance.


»Milk, eggs and butter should not be put on the same level as meat. In some cases, eating eggs is beneficial. The time has not yet come [1902] when milk and eggs whole should be abandoned... The nutritional reform should be seen as a progressive process. Teach people how to prepare food without milk and butter! Tell them that the time will soon come when we will have eggs, milk, cream or butter no longer safe because animal diseases are increasing at the same rate as wickedness among people. The time is nearwhere, because of the wickedness of fallen humanity, the entire animal creation will suffer from the diseases that curse our earth." (Testimonials 7, 135-137; see. testimonials 7, 130-132)

Again, a vegan diet is recommended because of animal diseases. That's why vegan cooking should be one of the basic skills today. In fact, God has now found enough ways to gradually make them popular in all parts of the world. Because the ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet has become dangerous. However, limiting milk and egg consumption may still be the healthiest alternative.


»When I received a letter in Cooranbong telling me that Doctor Kress was dying, I was told that night that he had to change his diet. A raw egg two or three times a day would give him the food he urgently needed." (Letter 37, 1904; Counsels on Diet and Food, 367; see. Eat mindfully, 163)


»Those who only have a partial understanding of the reform principles are often much stricter than others in implementing their views, but also in proselytizing their family and neighbors with these views. The effect of misunderstood reform, as evidenced by his own lack of health, and his efforts to impose his views on others, give many a false idea of ​​nutritional reform, causing them to reject it entirely.

Those who understand the health laws and are guided by principles will avoid both the extremes of licentiousness and that of narrowness. He chooses his diet not just to satisfy his palate, but to satisfy his body Building food receives. He wants to have his strength in the best possible condition so that he can best serve God and people. His desire for food is under the control of reason and conscience so that he can enjoy a healthy body and mind. He does not annoy others with his views, and his example is a testimony in favor of right principles. Such a person has a great influence for good.

In the nutritional reform lies common sense. The topic can be studied on a broad basis and in depth, without one criticizing the other, because it doesn't agree with your own handling in everything. It is impossible to establish a rule without exception and thus regulate the habits of each individual. Nobody should set themselves the standard for everyone else... But people whose blood-forming organs are weak should not completely avoid milk and eggs, especially if other foods that could provide the necessary elements are not available.

Nutrition issues have proven to be a major stumbling block in families, churches, and mission organizations because they have introduced division into an otherwise good team of co-workers. Therefore, caution and a lot of prayer are required when dealing with this topic. No one should be suggested that they are an Adventist or second-class Christian because of their diet. It is also important that our diet does not turn us into antisocial creatures who avoid socializing in order to avoid conflicts of conscience. Or the other way around: that we don't send negative signals to siblings who practice a special diet for whatever reason.

However, you should great care take care to obtain milk from healthy cows and eggs from healthy chickens that are well fed and well cared for. The eggs should be cooked in such a way that they are particularly easy to digest... If the diseases in the animals increase, milk and eggs increasingly dangerous become. Effort should be made to replace them with healthy and inexpensive things. People everywhere should learn how to cook wholesome and tasty food without milk and eggs as much as possible."(Ministry of Healing, 319-320; see. In the footsteps of the great doctor, 257-259; The way to health, 241-244/248-250)

So let’s unite in an effort to win people over to vegan cooking! This is a mission clearly communicated to Adventists through Ellen White. Let us each pay attention to our own health so that people can take our concerns on board! Let us be guided by the selfless love of Jesus on both counts!

Collection of quotations first appeared in German in Foundation, 5-2006

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