Keyword: Hebräisch

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The Koran confirms the Bible - A Muslim takes steps towards Jesus (Part 2): I have found him

Now that many Muslims are arriving in Germany, it makes sense to look through the eyes of a Muslim who learned to love Jesus. By Asıf Gökaslan – Part 1 read here. “And before him the book of Moses was a guide and a mercy; and this is a book of confirmation in Arabic, that those...


Songs from the Holocaust: Singing in the Dark

The Jewish Adventist singer Rachel Hyman has released a new album with which she fulfills the biblical commission to a certain extent: »Comfort, comfort, my people!« and »Cry with those who weep!« By Rachel Hyman Adolf Hitler's messianic rise promised everyone light, but his reign brought relentless darkness. Hitler's Holocaust not only destroyed Jewish men, women and children...