Jewish perspective: looking up

Jewish perspective: looking up
Jewish perspective: looking up
It's all about the perspective! By Richard Elofer

The story is told of a group of children who had a competition to see who could climb the tallest ladder. One after the other, about halfway down the ladder, children turned around and gave up. Only one boy made it to the top.

His grandfather asked him, "How did you do what the others couldn't?" The little boy replied, "The other kids kept looking down while they were climbing. The higher they got, the more scared they got. I just kept looking up and saw how far down I was. That's why I always wanted to climb higher. That's why I ended up at the top.«

"Recognize what is above you," says Rabbi Yehuda ha-Nasi. “By 'looking up' we get courage and strive higher and higher spiritually; so we will not sin.

Aus: Shabbat Shalom Newsletter, 686, 25 June 2016, 19 Sivan 5776
Publisher: World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center

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