Jewish Honesty: Character and Destiny

Jewish Honesty: Character and Destiny
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Danger! people are watching you. By Richard Elofer

A few years ago, an overseas minister accepted a call to a church in Houston, Texas. A week after his arrival, he took the bus from home to the city center. As he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him 20 cents too much change. What should he do now? You better give the 20 cents back. It wouldn't be right to keep her he thought to himself.

Another thought told him: Oh, just forget it. It's only 20 cents. Who cares about such a small amount? In addition, the bus company earns a fortune from us anyway. The loss will not hurt her. Take the gift of Gd* and don't let it show you.

When the stop came, he stopped at the door and returned the 20 cents to the driver, saying, "Please, you gave me too much money."

The driver replied with a smile, 'Aren't you the new preacher in town? I've been thinking a lot lately about going to church somewhere. I was wondering how you would react if I gave you too much money back. Well then, see you on Shabbat!”

When the preacher got out, he literally grabbed the nearest lamppost and said, “Oh Gd*; I almost sold that son of yours for twenty cents."

Our life is the only Bible some people will ever read. This incident is truly a frightening example of people watching and testing us as believers!

So let us always be on our guard - and remember: We carry the name of Mashiach on our shoulders when we call ourselves "believers," "Messianic," or "Christian."

Let's pay attention to our thoughts, they become words; our words become deeds; our deeds, they become habits; our habits, they become our character; our character, because it determines our destiny.

Aus: Shabbat Shalom Newsletter, 681, 10 Sep 2016, 7 Ellul 5776
Publisher: World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center

*German Jews have the habit of not writing the vowel in the word G'tt or H'RR and instead write it adonai or Hashem to read. For them, this is an expression of reverence god.

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