Blessed are those who make peace: How has it been since Corona?

Blessed are those who make peace: How has it been since Corona?
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In any case, it is urgently needed ... By Kai Mester

Few have divided our society and our communities like Corona. Since the refugee question is a choirboy against it. Hadn't we imagined the sighting differently?

At least it is an emotional preparation for the events to come.

A Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount seems particularly important to me here:

“Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.« (Matthew 5,9:XNUMX) Where are they, the peacemakers? The ones who can still talk to people from both camps and are loved by them?

“Whoever has the meek and humble spirit of Jesus will be a peacemaker. Such a spirit does not provoke quarrels, does not give angry answers. It creates a happy atmosphere at home and spreads a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.« (Ellen White, Story of Jesus, 62)

"If only there were many more people... who would soothe irritated feelings, discourage impulsive action, and ward off great evils by calm and considered words." (EW, Signs of the Times, October 26, 1888)

»Mercy and peace rest upon those who refuse to engage in arguments.« (EW, Signs of the Times, February 8, 1883)

“When you make peace with one another, when you indulge in each other's desires instead of pursuing your own, you are peacemakers, and Jesus calls you blessed. (EW, Manuscript release 13, 36)

“Messianic followers who love the truth are principled. They demonstrate what it means to be transformed by the truth into kind, courteous, peace-loving peacemakers. Such a person will be called God's child.« (EW, Manuscript release 16, 300)

“What does a Christian live for? Answer: He lives in this world of sin, strife, and division as a peacemaker, doing everything in his power to advance God's work." (EW, Manuscript release 19, 147)

“Don't let tensions arise in your home. Act as a peacemaker. Be careful not to do anything that… upsets. May the peace of God dwell in your homes.« (EW, Manuscript release 21, 135)

»Only Jesus-likeness in everyday life produces peacemakers at home, in the church, in the neighborhood and in society. Faith lived at home is practical holiness... True religion is measured by how each member of the family treats their loved ones... Have the valuable experience of being a peacemaker at home. (EW, Our High Calling, 179)

A second Bible verse shows the first practical step in becoming a peacemaker:

"Every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. For the wrath of man does not do what is right in the sight of God.« (James 1,19.20:XNUMX) Who among us is still able to listen to the other side? And - since man's anger does not do what is right before God anyway - not to get angry at all with the person you are talking to?

Answer: All who claim the following promise.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4,13:XNUMX)

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