Remembering Colin Standish (1933-2018): A hero of faith saw the fruit of his labors before he died

Remembering Colin Standish (1933-2018): A hero of faith saw the fruit of his labors before he died
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Without the encouragement of this man there would probably never have been hope worldwide with the annual Bible camps. By Kevin Paulson

On October 29, 2018, Dr. Colin David Standish, noted Adventist teacher, author, theologian, devoted husband and father, surrounded by his beloved family. He was 85 years old.

In the words of King David, "Do you not know that on that day a great and great prince fell in Israel?" (2 Samuel 3,38:XNUMX)

Many words will surely be written about this truth fighter. I would like to contribute from my memories. Some of them date back more than forty years.

treasured memories

My first contact with Dr. I had Standish as an eleventh grader at Monterey Bay Academy in the Central California Union. Even at this tender age, I was interested in the growing controversy within the church about righteousness by faith. I had learned that Dr. Russell Standish, Colin's twin brother, had co-authored a book with another Australian doctor exposing the errors in Desmond Ford's understanding of salvation and was dying for a copy.

Life stations: Columbia Union College > Weimar College > Hartland Institute

dr Erwin Gane, then a professor of theology at Pacific Union College, on a visit to our school, encouraged me to write to Colin Standish and ask for his brother's address in Australia. At the time, Colin was the principal of Columbia Union College. I wrote to him, got the address, soon after wrote to his brother and got the book. It was the first of many contacts I had with Dr. Standish had for nearly four decades.

Then, when I went to Pacific Union College as a theology student myself, I was honored to hear Colin Standish (and occasionally his brother) at seminars in the surrounding communities, as both addressed issues facing the Seventh-day Church - Adventists currently employed. We had a wonderful time together at these meetings. Colin was now the dean of the newly formed Weimar College (near Sacramento), making it easy for various Northern California congregations to invite him to speak.

Soon after the Hartland Institute was organized in Northern Virginia in 1983 and Colin was called there as rector, I attended my first Hartland Bible Conference in Ontario, California, in the fall of that year. I had just started my Masters in Systematic Theology at Loma Linda University. Four years later, as the university's student representative, I and the vice dean invited the Hartland team to a Bible conference. Both students and other participants were able to experience the blessings of this conference. Some had traveled long distances – hundreds of kilometers – specifically.

A heart for young people

dr Standish truly had a heart for the young people in the community. When he spoke to them, he was particularly enthusiastic, especially when the audience was unexpectedly large. In 1989, when Hope International held a camp meeting near Yucaipa, nearly 1.000 people attended on the Sabbath, almost a third of them young people. A panel discussion was planned for that afternoon, but because so many youth had come from the Loma Linda area, Dr. Standish if he could speak specifically to the youth. Of course, the others also stayed and listened! I will long remember the spiritual and solemn message of consecration he brought on that hot Sabbath afternoon.

GYC (Generation of Youth for Christ)

My favorite memory of Dr. Standish is perhaps where he and his wife Cheryl were able to attend the annual GYC convention in Baltimore in 2010. For years I and others had urged him to come and see for himself the great youth revival that was growing so rapidly in the church. But that was usually when Colin and Cheryl visited their native Australia. Her schedule had not previously allowed her to attend the congress. Finally, in 2010, they came.

It was the movement's largest attendance to date - nearly 7.000 on the Sabbath. Elder Ted Wilson, newly elected President of the General Conference, delivered the sermon on Sabbath morning. Colin and Cheryl were overjoyed to hear the truthful messages and the old hymns sung by the young people. GYC is already known for their enthusiasm. It was my pleasure to introduce Colin and Cheryl to many leaders of the movement. Colin's enthusiasm was also palpable as he saw the many young people and witnessed their dedication.

Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists young and old have received the ministry of Dr. Colin Standish experienced as a blessing. Not only those who sat in his classes as students, but also those who were allowed to attend his seminars all over the world can confirm this. I and many others will cherish his memory and pray to see him again soon.

Desmond Ford

dr Standish and I had our disagreements, even heated arguments at times. But he was always a consummate Christian gentleman. Even his compatriot Desmond Ford [2. February 1929 – March 11, 2019] was counted among his friends. After the events of 1980, when Ford was dismissed from all positions in the church for his rejection of classical Adventist doctrine of the sanctuary, Colin tried to persuade him to return to our biblical signature faith. I was, I think, the first person Dr. Standish over the phone, when Ford's preaching credentials were revoked. In Dr. There was no triumph or satisfaction in Standish's voice as he responded to the news. He just asked me to keep praying together for Ford and his family. Far be it from Colin to despise those in his heart who disagreed with him. Rather, he met them with love and warmth, and their salvation was a matter of great concern to him.

The Special Resurrection

Ellen White's writings speak of a special resurrection before the general resurrection of the righteous dead at Jesus' coming. In it several groups are to be resurrected who are to witness these events immediately before the second coming, as well as the second coming itself. Ellen White speaks of the fact that one of the groups of this resurrection will consist of those who died believing the message of the third angel:

“Tombs will be opened, and many that sleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life, and others to everlasting shame and shame” (Daniel 12,2:XNUMX). All who have died believing the message of the third angel come out of the grave glorified to hear God's covenant of peace with those who have kept His law.« (great controversy, 637)

I expect dr. Standish and his twin brother will be present in that resurrection - while I still hope to be among those who, like Enoch and Elijah, will be transformed without tasting death. May the admonition of the Apostle Peter strike a chord in our hearts as we ponder the life and legacy of one of the modern day heroes of the Advent movement and await the soon return of our Lord:

"Therefore, beloved, while you wait, strive that you may be found in peace before him, undefiled and blameless." (2 Peter 3,14:XNUMX)

With kind permission of the author from: ADVindicate, November 1, 2018, Remembering Colin Standish (1933-2018)

The memorial service for Colin Standish can be viewed here:

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