Daily Forgiveness

Daily Forgiveness
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How to experience repentance and forgiveness every day and yet not have to sin every day. By Kai Mester

We keep publishing posts on our portal that show that God's promises for a sin-free life are not empty promises. Ellen White in particular is known for her clear rejection of living in sin or sinning on a daily basis. Here two examples:

Sin every day?

“The greatest sins are brought in by those church members who claim that they are sanctified and can no longer sin. Yet many of this group sin täglich, have a corrupt heart and live accordingly.« (Testimonials 5, 139; see. testimonials 5, 147; added highlight)

“God's sons and daughters are commissioned to be a people set apart from the world, pure and holy. If this is not evident in the church members, then the question to the church is justified: Why is there no decisive change of character from a life of sin to a life of holiness? If sin in daily life is practiced, the whole creed of the church members has no real value. They do not act in harmony with God and cannot serve the world as messengers of salvation.« (General Conference Daily Bulletin, February 4, 1893; added highlight)

Ask for forgiveness daily

But how can this be reconciled with the Lord's Prayer, in which we are not only called upon to ask for our daily bread, but also täglich for forgiveness of sins? Ellen White also recommends us for raising children: "Teach them to ask forgiveness daily for any wrong they have done." (Child Guidance, 494; see. How do I lead my child, 309; added highlight)

She also speaks to us adults: »When we need grace all the time and täglich in need of forgiveness, when every moment of our existence is in need of mercy and compassion, how inappropriate and utterly out of place is it when Christians are quick to criticize, blame, and condemn their brethren over whom they have no advantage.” (Manuscript release 12, 290; added highlight)

Sin after the end of the probationary period?

At the same time, we know that a time is approaching when Jesus will have finished his mediation when no one claims his forgiveness of sins. Some because they want to continue sinning, others because they have stopped sinning (Revelation 22,11:XNUMX). That will be the time when he will put on his royal robes and make his way to earth to evacuate his children and resettle them in heavenly Jerusalem.

Unknowing Sins

Several factors also allow the righteous to continue asking for the forgiveness of sins: Even if we should have irretrievably turned our backs on willing and conscious sinning, in any case today it is still unknowing sins that lead us to repentance again and again as soon as we become aware of them. Even if they were not counted as sins until we were aware of them (John 9,41:17,30; Acts XNUMX:XNUMX). The closer we get to Jesus, the more sensitive we become to our own sinfulness, discover where we have given in to it, and repent ever deeper.

The awareness of our sinfulness

Even the child of God who finally refuses to give in to his sinfulness will suffer from his sinfulness and will have to be constantly on guard against it. It will always confess its sinfulness, its sinful flesh, before God and claim Jesus' blood to triumph over all inner temptations. At the same time, it can lead a life of joy in the Holy Spirit.

Daily, ongoing regrets

»Those who truly repent do not forget the sins of their past. He is not careless with them once he has been forgiven. On the contrary, the more he realizes that God is kind to him, the more he feels sorry for his past life of sin. He loathes and damns himself and is always amazed that he has been able to remain in rebellion for so long. He renews his repentance to God and holds Jesus' hand more firmly. Regret is a daily, ongoing practice, he notes. He will practice them until mortality is swallowed up by [eternal] life. Anyone who repents in this way values ​​Jesus' righteousness more than silver and gold, more than any earthly bond and affection.« (Signs of the Times, November 26, 1894)

Vicarious remorse...

We find another touch of repentance and forgiveness of sins in the life of our Savior. He himself repented on our behalf and took our sins upon himself. He was baptized because he identified with our sins and set an example for us on the path of justification, although he himself had never sinned, either in thought, in word or in deed.

“Jesus did not receive baptism as a personal confession of guilt. Rather, he identified with sinners and took the steps we need to take, did all we need to do... As one of us, he bore the burden of our guilt and suffering. The sinless felt the shame of sin. The peace-loving dwelt in strife, truth pitched its tent with lies, purity with vice. Every sin, every disunity, every filthy lust that transgression arose, was torment to his spirit. Alone he walked, alone he bore the burden... He saw and felt it all.« (Desire of Ages, 111; see. life of Jesus, chapter »Baptism«)

… for the sins of our fathers and fellow human beings

In the same way, as true followers of Jesus, we will also do penance for the sins of our fathers and our fellow human beings. They will touch our hearts as if we committed them ourselves. In this way we can lead the people around us as priests to Jesus and also our congregation into the latter rain. Like Jesus, we will be able to empathize with their weakness in their temptations (Hebrews 4,15:XNUMX).

Until the time of Jacob's anguish

In this way, prayer in the sense of the Lord's Prayer remains part of our faith experience until the time when Jesus is already on his way to our planet: the time of "the trouble for Jacob" (Genesis 1:32,7-33; Jeremiah 30,7:6,13 ). Ultimately, this prayer for forgiveness of sins in the Lord's Prayer will be the only bulwark against sin in our lives until we are transformed. For it continues: »Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.« (Matthew XNUMX:XNUMX)

Jesus in us

We need daily conversion, daily forgiveness of sins, daily justification, daily repentance, daily sanctification, and daily salvation from temptation and evil. Jesus experienced the same without ever having sinned. He preceded us on this path, let us also let him precede this path in us as a motivation for all people who are to be saved through us, true to the motto: »I sanctify myself for them so that they too may be sanctified in the truth. « (John 17,19:XNUMX)

»Hold on to the attitude that would rather suffer than sin.« (Christian Triumphant, 94) »Only those who would rather die than do a wrong deed will be found faithful.« (Maranatha, 82)

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