End Times: The Climate Religion

End Times: The Climate Religion
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Natural disasters make the world religious again and soon intolerant. from Kai Mester

Reading time: 7 minutes

The changes in our world are making us realize more and more that everything is heading towards the final battle between light and darkness. The fulfillment of Revelation 13 was still unimaginable in the early 80s because of the Cold War. But now the evolution of America's role on the world stage is clearly heading in that direction.

The wars on terror and the virus have shown us how quickly laws can be changed to freeze personal accounts, lock up isolated, potentially dangerous individuals without trial, and restrict other freedoms that have been taken for granted for decades.

But how, we ask ourselves, is it supposed to happen that the world public turns against believers who, in contrast to terrorists, have no willingness to use violence, but are the most peace-loving people on earth?

Ellen White explains this in her end-time classic:

“Those who keep God's law will be blamed for bringing judgments upon the world. They will be seen as the cause of the terrible ones Natural disaster, for strife and bloodshed among the people, for the misery in the world.
The authority with which the last warning is proclaimed has aroused the wrath of the ungodly. Their anger is directed at all who have accepted the message. Satan will continue to stir up this hatred and persecution spirit...
When the Sabbath has become a particular point of contention throughout Christendom, and when the church and secular authorities are united in promoting Sunday observance, the staunch refusal of a small minority to bow to the popular demand makes them the butt of universal scorn make.
Intolerance will be urged toward the few who oppose a church institution and a state law. It will be said, 'Better they suffer than whole nations descend into chaos and anarchy'... This argument will sound logical and will eventually lead to a decree against all who keep the fourth commandment Sabbath holy.
This decree will state that they deserve the most severe punishment and that the people may liquidate them after a certain period of time. Catholicism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism in the New World will pursue the same course against all who keep the divine ordinances...
Therefore, as we approach the time of tribulation, Jesus' followers should make every effort to present themselves in public, to reduce prejudice, and to avert the danger that threatens liberty of conscience." (great controversy, 614-616; see. big fight, 615-617)

The following article shows that there have been approaches in this direction for more than fifteen years. Humanity is becoming religious in a way that makes the final Climate Sunday scenario conceivable.

Saving the Earth Becomes the New “Mainstream Religion”
November 15.11.2007, XNUMX Bonn (idea) – The trend researcher Matthias Horx (Kelkheim near Frankfurt am Main) is observing the emergence of a “world salvation cult” in the face of the fear of an impending climate catastrophe.
»The climate religion is the adequate cult of a consumer and media excitement society that no longer trusts its own progress. It is the new fundamentalism for everyone,” writes Horx in his “Zukunftsletter” published in Bonn. In the post, subtitled “Why Saving the Planet Is Becoming the New Mainstream Religion,” he asks readers, “Have you measured your carbon emissions today? No? This is bad."
Because with every breath you take, the actuation of light switches, window handles, remote controls as well as car, train and air travel, you bring mankind closer to doom. But, according to Horx: "Don't worry, salvation is in sight." Anyone who "escapes" the cold autumn to the sunny south or bought a "big" off-road vehicle "when it was still chic can pay indulgences." This can be done by donating money to plant trees in Tasmania or Siberia: »And you are freed from all eco-sins!«
The idea that the world is drifting towards the abyss is as old as humanity itself. Since the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church has always demanded repentance of the heart, confession and satisfaction - "a choreography that can easily be found in every end-of-the-world talk show (ie practically on every talk show).

Chancellor also uses climate issue

The catastrophe thesis can never be refuted, and there will always be terrible weather. Horx: »The cult promises meaning and threat, image of the enemy, world order and ritual. And business opportunities en masse. So let's gear our life, our business model, our product range, our marketing to the carbon dioxide age.«
According to the trend researcher, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) also "cleverly recognized" that by taking on the climate issue she "can create a consensus between the green bourgeoisie and the old conservative values ​​that define the new majorities." Ecologism has arrived in the middle of society.

© www.idea.de. Reprinted with permission

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