Health course, healing miracle and culinary delights in the Czech Republic: "Not through might and not through strength, but through my spirit"

Health course, healing miracle and culinary delights in the Czech Republic: "Not through might and not through strength, but through my spirit"

On the road for God. By Heidi Kohl

Reading time: 8 minutes

Wonderful, blessed weeks are behind me. It's really difficult for me to describe them in their depth and intensity. But I want to share with you and try.

After my service in Bogenhofen, it was time for me to prepare and pack again, and above all to gather a lot of utensils for the lesson. However, I had already started doing this in January and February because I knew the schedule.

Now I started to control and organize everything. Luckily, a sister who was planning to travel with me to the Czech Republic visited me and helped me to do the most important work in the house, yard and garden. This help was important to me because I injured my leg while warming up. A heavy piece of wood, half a meter long, fell out of my hand, then onto another piece of wood, which jumped up and hit me in the leg with full force – three days before leaving for the Czech Republic. It was bleeding profusely and I had to put on a compression bandage. Thank God I had enough bandages at home.

Since God already knows everything in advance, He also made provisions so that I didn't have to drive the car and could relax in the passenger seat. My dear sister in faith brought us safely to the Czech Republic. The car was filled to the ceiling with two suitcases, boxes and teaching materials.

Then everything had to be unpacked and sorted. During the three weeks of training, we were hit by a blatant cold wave of minus 8 degrees, which made things difficult for all of us. God provided again: A course participant gave me an electric blanket. She brought these especially for me.

Three weeks of practice with profound devotions

This year, almost 30 siblings have completed their training as health missionaries. It was a moving moment when I was able to hand over the testimonies and when we brought each individual to the LORD in prayer and asked for his blessing during a consecration hour. Each participant had to hand in all the exam questions and a plant portrait, hold a prayer service and describe a clinical picture. We were all amazed at the efforts of the participants and we recognized the work of the Holy Spirit in a special way. The clinical pictures were worked out in an exemplary manner.

The devotions often had an unbelievable depth that amazed us. We could all learn from it. We learned from Bible texts how important it is to praise and praise and studied texts from the Psalms and 2 Chronicles 20. Unfortunately, we usually only come to the LORD with our requests and complaints and forget to give thanks, praise and praise. So we can thank him in advance for his help and get incredible power of faith. We can often see with our own eyes how the LORD intervenes. A completely new way of praying can thus begin, so that difficulties are no longer perceived as an overwhelming mountain.

Another devotional dealt with the above scripture from Zechariah and the foolish virgins of Matthew 25 who lacked reserve oil. What do you mean with that? So this picture of the olive trees from Zechariah and the oil flowing out was illustrated to us. How do we get the oil? Since the work of God will not be completed by army or power, but by His Spirit, we have been eager to uncover this mystery. On the one hand we have the olive trees from which oil flows, and on the other hand the lack of oil from the foolish virgins. How do you get this oil, which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We need the oil, the Holy Spirit, but also His Word, which comes alive through the Holy Spirit and changes our character. We have the option of eating the olives and sucking out the oil as we eat, or we can harvest large quantities of olives and press them into oil so that we have enough supplies for times of need. This is how we should study the Word of God: absorb the Word of God daily to stay spiritually strong, but also dig deeper and study to stock up. If we don't do this, we will remain in the Laodicean state and fall asleep. When the cry goes out at midnight, "Behold the bridegroom is coming!" the foolish must then realize that their lamps are going out because they lack the reserve oil. May God give us grace that we remain firm in the word and use every opportunity to study, but also put into practice what we have read.

Think how it will be if I only live on videos from YouTube? If there is a sudden blackout and no power, we could be like the foolish virgins who have to realize that they are missing something. The LORD will say to them: »I do not know you.« Yes, the preparation time for Jesus' return is now. If we don't study the Word of God daily, we become weak and either fall into sin, lose faith, or fall prey to Satan's deceptions.

Because there are many false Christs and false gospels in circulation. One believes that only grace will save him and nothing can happen to him, while constantly breaking God's commandments. The other believes that good works will save him and feels totally safe. Then there is the feeling belief, which is entirely dependent on whether I feel good or not. But genuine faith is founded on Scripture, is obedient to the word and law of God, and produces acts of love. Not by your own strength, but by the indwelling Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is still healing today

So it is a great joy to see how God uses our medical missionaries. Almost all sisters experience incredible things around them. For example, I would like to share how a sister's father was healed of ear cancer in just a few weeks. Intensive prayers were made for him, but measures were also taken with natural remedies. The lump got smaller day by day and after only a few weeks it was completely gone. What was done but prayer? A paste of chlorella was applied to the ulcer and renewed over and over again. Chlorella tablets and powdered barley grass juice were also taken internally.

applications and fasting days

During the practice week, the students learned how to implement a fasting plan and fasted for a day on freshly squeezed juices, ate only raw food for a day and did a cleansing regimen with enemas and Glauber's salts. As a sweating application, the participants got to know the Russian steam bath and how to carry out the salt rubbing and the liver wrap during detoxification. The culmination of the practice week was the ointment and soap production. Everyone went home with some samples. Of course, the massage couldn't be missing. Practiced hard every day.

Raw food buffets, a feast for the eyes

As always, we experienced super class buffets. Vegan nutrition is fun! When a sister just celebrated her 50th on raw food day, a wonderful raw food cake with a raw food buffet was created.

So may the LORD continue to give grace that many will be equipped for the service of man and many will find the LORD through this. If we do not sow now, we cannot reap during the latter rain.

I wish you God's richest blessings and joy in the LORD, with best regards

Your Heidi

Continuation: Courage for public relations: From the chamber to the hall

Back to Part 1: Working as a refugee helper: In Austria at the front

Circular No. 94 of April 17, 2023, HOFFNUNGSFULL LEBEN, herbal and cooking workshop, health school, 8933 St. Gallen, Steinberg 54, ,, mobile: +43 664 3944733

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