Founding of the State of Israel in 1948: Divine Miracle or Political Conspiracy?

Founding of the State of Israel in 1948: Divine Miracle or Political Conspiracy?
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What does the Bible say? Are the Jews today still Abraham's children, or are they just converts? A look at biblical history and the Jewish identity of the Messiah. A compelling exploration of a complex subject. By Kai Mester

Reading time: 6 minutes

For many, the survival of the Jewish people and the rebirth of Israel after nearly 2000 years is an unprecedented miracle. Others counter this impression with Jesus' statement: "If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham." (John 8,39:XNUMX) The Apostle Paul also said: "Those who are of faith are Abraham's children."

Nevertheless, the same Paul writes about the Jews, who continued to reject Jesus even after Pentecost: “I wish that I myself were cursed and separated from the Messiah for my brothers, who are my kin according to the flesh. They are Israelites to whom belongs the sonship and the glory and the covenants and the law and the worship and the promises, to whom also belong the fathers and from whom the Messiah comes according to the flesh.” (Romans 9,3:5-11,28) He names they "beloved for the sake of their fathers" (Romans XNUMX:XNUMX).

Some even question the legitimacy with which many Jews today call themselves Abraham's descendants and believe that the Ashkenazi Jews in particular actually go back to a Turkic people, the Khazars, who possibly converted to Judaism for political reasons. Therefore they are not physical descendants of Abraham.

Even if this were true, it forgets that even in the apostle Paul's time not a few Jews were converts who were not genetically descended from Abraham; still more were descendants of such converts. Ever since the Exodus from Egypt, many non-Jews have joined the people of Israel. Caleb, Rahab and Ruth are just the most prominent examples here. Nevertheless, they were all recognized as full-fledged Jews.

Another argument against the establishment of the state of Israel as a divine miracle is the violence against Palestinians and the military nature of the state, as well as the immorality found in Israel today. In fact, the kings of the Old Testament were often morally shady. David, for example, killed more people and had more wives than the one who is often strongly criticized by Christians: Mohammed. Nevertheless, biblical history shows that because of a few less than sincere hearts, God has always patiently dealt with his people, trying to mend them and save them. Many Jews, who did not know any better and to whom we as Christians and especially German Christians gave such a chilling picture of Christianity, sincerely referred to the biblical promises of gathering in prayer. Would God turn a deaf ear?

“Yet in spite of the terrible fate that befell the Jewish people from the time they rejected Jesus of Nazareth, there were among them honest, godly men and women who suffered in silence. God comforted their hearts in their affliction and looked upon their dire situation with mercy. He heard the sorrowful supplications of those who sought him with all their hearts to come to a right understanding of his Word. Some have learned to see the true Messiah of Israel in the humble Nazarene whom their ancestors rejected and crucified. Then, having grasped the meaning of the well-known prophecies, so long obscured by tradition and misinterpretation, their hearts were filled with gratitude to God for the unspeakable bounty He bestows upon every child of man who accepts the Messiah as His personal Saviour. « (Ellen White, work of the apostles, 376.1; see. Acts of the Apostles, 379.3)

“The apostle Paul had no common desire. He kept asking God to work for the Israelites who had failed to recognize Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah... He assured the believers in Rome, 'I myself would be cursed and divorced from Messiah for the sake of my brothers who are my kin after the flesh; which are of Israel, to whom belongs the sonship, and the glory, and the covenant, and the law, and the worship, and the promises; who also are the fathers, and from whom cometh the Messiah according to the flesh, who is God above all, blessed forever.' The Jews were God's chosen people, through whom he desired to bless the whole human race... Although Israel rejected the Son of God it was not rejected by God... 'Has God rejected his people? Far be it! For I am also an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not rejected his people, which he foresaw for himself'... Israel had indeed stumbled and fallen; but that should not make a resurrection impossible... It was God's purpose that His grace should be revealed among the Gentiles as well as among the Israelites.' (work of the apostles, 371-372; see. Acts of the Apostles, 375–376)

Even if the special divine election not only brings advantages for the Jews, but also more responsibility and possibly great suffering, I still believe: God remains faithful to his people, even after the death of Jesus.

The survival of the Jews as a people and the re-emergence of the State of Israel is a miracle and a thorn in the side of the dark powers. Because of Israel, which many people have already visited as tourists, the Old Testament roots of the gospel have become so well known that the Sabbath and the Jewish identity of the Messiah are something completely self-evident today. A sensitive blow to Roman propaganda. So far, Sabbath-keeping Christians or Muslims have not been able to do this. In addition, they get little attention from the world compared to Israel.

Why do so many Christians emphasize that the Jews are rejected as a people? Why do they think they are the only way to the Father when Jesus, who is Jewish to this day and never converted to any other faith, is the only way to the Father? Why do we lack the enemy love that would have enabled us to show Jews and Muslims their Messiah? Instead of trying and failing our evangelism strategy on them and giving up because they are so blinded?

With the violent resurrection of Israel in 1948, the biblical promises of gathering were not fully fulfilled. But even the violent conquest of the promised land by Joshua and continued by David ultimately did not fulfill God's promises. Both were a partial fulfillment, a beginning and only paved the way for the Messiah, his first and his second coming. So the remnant knew him then and will know him now.

The revival of the Hebrew language by Ben Yehuda and the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem are of grave importance for the salvation of many Jews today. It is their point of contact with God's promises and shows their longing for salvation.

Let's be careful not to overdo it as Christians. Maybe one day God will show us that we were no better than them.

Could it perhaps be a form of spiritual pride if we absolutely do not want to see God's intervention in the path that the Jews as a people are taking today? Are we arrogant because we just don't think it should be? It shouldn't be, because then God could bypass us in his rescue operation, in which he prepares the remnant of physical Israel for the return of the Messiah. Not that we then stand sulky like the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son because God is grafting the original olive branches back in, and in a way that we find questionable. For questionable, because context and politics are pretty ugly in the Middle East, plus all the string pullers in the background. Maybe that is an arrogance that we are not even aware of.

I am excited to see what will happen in Israel when the worldwide Sunday law prophesied in the Bible under the picture of the mark is enacted.

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