On dealing with people of other faiths: at the right time and at the untimely?

On dealing with people of other faiths: at the right time and at the untimely?
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Fulfilling God's mission means thinking long-term. By Ellen White

We are told: “Shout at the top of your lungs, don’t spare us! Lift up your voice like a shofar, and proclaim to my people their transgressions, and to the house of Jacob their sins!” (Isaiah 58,1:XNUMX) This is the message that needs to be proclaimed. But even though they matter, it is important that we do not attack, corner and condemn those who lack the insight we have...

All those who have great privileges and opportunities, but have not honed their physical, mental and moral abilities, but who indulge themselves and shirk their responsibilities, are more at risk and in worse shape before God than people who are doctrinally in error, but strive to be a blessing to others. Do not blame or condemn them!

If you allow selfish reasoning, false conclusions and excuses to lead you into a wrong state of heart and mind so that you no longer recognize God's ways and will, you are burdening yourself with far more guilt than the honest sinner. Therefore, it is better to be careful not to condemn someone who appears to be more innocent before God than you are.

Let us remember that under no circumstances should we bring persecution upon ourselves. Harsh and sarcastic words are inappropriate. Keep them out of every article, cut them out of every lecture! Let God’s Word do the cutting and rebuking. May mortal men and women confidently take refuge in Jesus Christ and abide in him so that the Spirit of Jesus may be seen through them. Be careful with your words so that you don't really antagonize people of other faiths and give Satan the chance to use your careless words against you.

It is true that a time of trouble is coming, such as has never been since there was a nation. But our task is to carefully weed out from our discourse anything that smacks of retaliation, resistance and an attack against churches and individuals, because this is not Jesus' way and method.

God's church, which knows the truth, has not done the job it should have done according to God's Word. Therefore, we should be even more careful not to offend unbelievers before they have heard the reasons for our beliefs regarding Sabbath and Sunday.

Aus: Testimonies for the Church 9, 243-244

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