The savior love of a mother cat: a dramatic rescue action

The savior love of a mother cat: a dramatic rescue action
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Your courageous leap and unflinching commitment amaze us. An inspiring story that touches hearts. By Patricia and Alberto Rosenthal

Reading time: 2 minutes

We witnessed a kitten in dire need in India. Somehow it had ended up on a high concrete slab extending from a house wall. Now it was trapped and couldn't get away from there. We prayed for the kitten and considered how best to help.

Then the mother cat appeared. There was no way she herself could reach her boy, let alone get him down. But soon we witnessed an incomparably dramatic liberation action. In fact, it would have been considered impossible.

From a narrow concrete pillar far in front, the mother jumped in a mighty leap onto the distant, higher slab. No other possibility had been conceivable. And even this one could hardly imagine.

She now grabbed the no longer quite small and therefore already heavier cub by the neck and walked from one side of the slab to the other. In between she set the young down and went again to the edges of the plate. In the end she was convinced that she couldn't free the little one this way.

She then took it by the neck again and, as we had already guessed, went to the same spot where she had landed before. There was a moment of intense concentration, a tense tenseness, a huge leap with the extra weight on his body. And - indeed - she landed on the narrow pier surface! For a brief moment, because immediately she slipped.

With only one paw she now clung to the concrete and immediately pulled herself and her cub up with the second one. There they are in front of us: mother and child - united on a few centimeters of ground, almost like in the middle of the air! Another short jump to a lower wall and another to the ground. And the mother lets the little one run free and goes about her other duties in the greatest peace of mind...

»As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you.« (Isaiah 66,13:49,15.16; cf. Isaiah 49,24.25:XNUMXa) »Can the spoils of a strong man be taken away? … Yes, thus saith the LORD: Even the captives of the strong shall be taken from him, and the spoil of the tyrant shall flee; for now I will fight with him who fights against you, and I will save your children.« (Isaiah XNUMX:XNUMX)

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