… and in their mouth was found no guile, they are blameless

Jesus comes then when the evil and the good matures. By Waldemar Laufersweiler

Until it becomes visible in the great battle where Lucifer’s rebellion leads, namely to the self-destruction of mankind.

But it will also become visible what can become of a sinful human being who connects himself completely with heaven.


Footage: StoryBlocks.com | Pexels.com


Music in this video:

Title: In From The Cold 3450/6
Artist: Paul Mottram (PRS)
Album: Natural Pathways 3450
Publisher: Audio Network Limited

Title: In From The Cold 2 3450/114
Artist: Paul Mottram (PRS)
Album: Natural Pathways 3450
Publisher: Audio Network Limited

Title: Sea of Tranquility 1300/7
Artist: Paul Mottram (PRS)
Album: Contemporary Minimalist, Orchestral 1300
Publisher: Audio Network Limited

Title: Tenderly 1545/7
Artist: Paul Mottram (PRS)
Album: Small Ensemble, Classical 1545
Publisher: Audio Network Limited

Title: In Suspension 3450/3
Artist: Paul Mottram (PRS)
Album: Natural Pathways 3450
Publisher: Audio Network Limited

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